I want my children to read the Bible. We all do. Yet telling my school-age children, "You should read your Bible each day" wasn't really helping them in this process. I did not grow up reading my Bible every day. I still struggle with this as an adult who loves the Lord. I want better for my children ~ I want them to WANT to read God's Word each and every day. So I began searching the internet for "Bible Reading Plans for Children". I actually got quite a few results. As we are heading into a new school year (in just a few short days!), I thought I would share with y'all what I have come up with....for now, at least! I started here: "Understanding Charlotte" While I love the "idea" of Charlotte Mason education, I find the reality a bit more than I can deal with on a day to day basis. Yet I do find myself drawn to this style and try to fit in various ideas as I am able. I then found this page at the above blog: "Bible Reading Plans for Children" Now I was getting somewhere! This family's reading plan is based on "themes" in the Bible, in realistic "chunks" for her family/children. Since many of my children are the same ages as hers (younger/middle elementary or preschool), I thought this looked promising! From these plans, I came up with this simplified .pdf file: I can use this list as a guide to our daily reading. We sit down with our "Bible Journals" (after breakfast & A.M. chores are done) and I read aloud to the children as they draw, color and write in their journals based on the selected reading. The little ones may have a small toy and I'm just praying they are able to learn to sit quietly during this important time in our day! I can then hi-lite what sections we were able to read that day and keep track for the next reading session - be it later in the day or tomorrow.
At the end of the year (or however long it takes us to work our way through this list), the children will have a nice journal recording their thoughts, pictures, ideas & understanding of God's Word. These journals are a great tool for more than simply keeping kids quiet during Bible time! And what a great portfolio piece for remembering how their little minds work at this young age... So there you have it. Simple, I know. Yet for someone who was struggling with daily Bible reading time, this is a fresh idea with the promise of so much more than just reading & writing! God Bless you, your family & your daily Bible time~ ~Lori
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